Acoustic Focusing for Multiparameter Flow Cytometry

Article Collection: Acoustic Focusing for Multiparameter Flow Cytometry

Conventional flow cytometry relies on a system of fluidics to organize the cells into a linear stream to pass by the detectors. This process has its limitations, where increased sample rates can lead to degradation of signal and poor results. One means of overcoming this hurdle is the use of acoustic focusing, where the suspended cells are aligned prior to being injected into the sample stream to allow for increased flow rates without the loss of signal. This can be combined with imaging to visually characterize cells and further increase the ability to differentiate the sample population.

Through this research article collection, we hope to educate scientists on how acoustic focusing and imaging flow cytometry can advance their research and gain deeper insight into cell populations.

This article collection highlights the application of acoustic focusing to the development of cell-based therapies, utilizing the strengths of acoustic focusing combined with multiparameter flow cytometry to characterize both cells designed to deliver therapeutics and the impact of cell-based therapies on target cells.

What you will learn:

  • Fundamental principles of acoustic focusing flow cytometry
  • How acoustic and imaging flow cytometry can enhance cell identification
  • Leveraging this technology to enable your research through case studies

Articles contained in the collection:

  • Ward & Kaduchak (2018). Fundamentals of Acoustic Cytometry. Current Protocols in Cytometry
  • Zywot et al. (2022), Light-Triggered Drug Release from Red Blood Cells Suppresses Arthritic Inflammation. Advanced Therapeutics
  • Feng et al. (2020), Cell-Based Therapy for Canavan Disease Using Human iPSC-Derived NPCs and OPCs. Advanced Science
  • Li et al. (2021), WJMSC-derived small extracellular vesicle enhances T cell suppression through PD-L1. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Current Prorocols


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