Spectral Flow Cytometry

Expanding Your Research Spectrum

Article Collection

Through the concepts and applications presented in this research article collection we hope to educate you on how spectral flow cytometry can empower your research and open new avenues of exploration.

Flow cytometry analysis is one of the foundational technologies in phenotyping of cell types, particularly in the field of immunology and oncology.

Conventional flow cytometry relies on clear delineation between the emission spectra of fluorochromes to maximize the resolution of labelled cells to segment them into identified populations. This requirement for clear separation of spectra however imposes constraints on panel design that can limit the number of cell types that can be identified in single flow cytometry session.

To overcome this barrier, technology and reagents that allow for the collection and analysis of the full spectral emission of a fluorescent molecule have been developed. Termed spectral flow cytometry, this advancement allows for increased flexibility and resolution in flow cytometry panel design.


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